Archaeological Museum of Bologna

Museo Civico Archeologico
Via dell'Archiginnasio 2 - 40124 Bologna

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Collections / Ricerca / Roman Collection: oil lamp

Oil lamps in pear-shaped body

The oil lamps in pear-shaped body have Hellenistic origin and were widespread in the Roman world, and particularly in Italian area (is the most attested, among bronze exemplary, in the Vesuvian cities), in the second half of the first century AD and in the first decades of the second century DC.

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This type of oil lamps have a pear-shaped body, long with an elevated handle, which can be decorated as a leaf or a human head, or animal, as in this case with a detailed dolphin's head.

Provenance: Palagi Collection
Material: bronze
Dimensions: height cm 9,7; lenght cm 17

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Exhibition rooms | Room IX - Roman Collection